Unusual Ways to Make New Friends as an Adult

Finding lasting relationships is harder as you age, so it’s time to get creative

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Image created in Canva

Feeling like it's hard to make friends as an adult? Well, you're definitely not alone in that. Most people have trouble finding a good core of friends outside of school. If you have tried all the obvious ways to find new friends and still find yourself alone, here are a few new ideas to try.    

London Fashion Week opens with Charli XCX party and second-hand runways. more: 

Become friends with their pets but not in a weird way.

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Image by author

Large gatherings can be daunting, and a fear of rejection is real. But there's one companion who won't turn you away-dogs. Cats might warm up to you too, especially if you have sardines in your pocket. Making friends with the host's pet can be a great way to show that you're friend material. For after all, if you connect with their beloved animal, you likely will win over the host, too. But with caution. Quite realistically, if you are taking up all of the pet's time, following them around, and limiting your conversations to them only, then you will be making the owner and other guests uncomfortable. Of course, you can speak to the people, too! Unless you're Dr. Doolittle, sticking solely to animal companionship will pretty much make for a one-sided friendship.

Be a good samaritan and return “lost” packages.

If you happen to find another person's "lost" or misplaced delivery, be the good Samaritan and return it. So many times, it is just so easy to assume that someone else's delivery might belong to you; rather than ignoring this or taking it for keeps, take the time to ensure it makes it to the rightful owner. It could be a package left by a neighbor on your doorstep or drop-off at a wrong address. To return it shows integrity, and this encourages neighborliness. Little deeds mean a lot.

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